Tagged: Africa

May 28


Back Back Back….

Right, 3 months straight without speaking/writing a single word of chinese… (except when I was teaching my gwai mui friends how to swear)…. 3 months without any asian food…

Will I be like a heung ha jai going back to the concrete jungle? My eyes are way too accustomed to green now. The moment I stepped into Hong Kong chek lap kok airport I felt a bit nervous… I’m dark and my hair’s soooooo long…. looking out of place here in the big city tim… wow.. is that cultral shock?


May 20

eaten alive by a wild lion

omg I might have been eaten alive by a wild lion!

The other day I’ve been camping in the bushes in Okavango delta, Botswana, Southern Africa, a place without electricity, running water, anything, literally in the middle of nowhere. Got there by sitting behind an africa truck for 3 hours then a further 2 hours canoeing down the river with hippos around…

Right so that night I was woken up by some scratching sounds outside my tent. It was in the middle of the night and there was nothing but complete darkness. I heard some weird noises and more scratches. But I was just too tired I drifted back to sleep.

The next morning, one of the local guides who brought us there said a wild lion went into our campsite last night.

oooh. exciting. so i suppose he or she wanted to sleep with me.


May 03

Lil kids + lil presents = memory of a lifetime.

Lil kids + lil presents = memory of a lifetime.

Before I leave Zambia (where I had my second placement) for Zimbabwe to start my third placement, I decided to give away majority of my stuff to the orphanage I’ve been working in. I’ve brought along some of my pethletes zipper bags so what I did was fill each bag with some letterpads from hong kong, some candies, pens, and some other random stuff like caps, etc, then give it out to kids at the orphanage.

Let’s admit it, everybody’s got favorites and there’s obviously a few kids which I very much prefer giving my stuff to. I asked the staff whether it’s good to just give my stuff to a few of my favs, they said there are so many kids it’s impossible to give sth to everybody so I might just as well choose whom to give. Makes sense.

Some kids don’t live at the orphanage, instead they live in the neighbourhood around and since they know we come everyday so they’d drop by every afternoon to play with us. My fav ones happen to be those who lives nearby.

Different kids had completely different reactions:

One of them, who is normally really cheerful, active and talkative, went completely speechless when I gave him his gift. His smile faded. He stared at it for a few seconds, then rushed home without saying goodbye….. either he didnt like it at all (hopefully not) or he has never recieved such a present he couldn’t believe his eyes.

There’s that other kid who’s deaf and dumb. He’s really sweet. There’s always a smile on his face, he greets everyone with hand gestures. He doesnt make a lot of noise apart from an occational giggle. He’s an excellent artist. When I gave him the bag he didnt know what it is at first. Then he opened the zipper and saw the pens and colorful writing and drawing papers. HE BURSTED OUT INTO LAUGHTERS! He rushed home as well, at the same time investigated each letterpaper one by one.

Then it’s that little chubby boy who never made it to the soccer team because of his bad footwork, speed and body shape (whoops). He got to play a friendly game that day. I gave him a small backpack (the yellow pethletes one) with the same stuff in. He wore it on his back throughout his match!!!!!

And there were many more….

That very same night all these scenes kept appearing in my mind, one after another, one after another. That suddenly reminded me that I may never meet these kids I’ve been seeing everyday for the past month.

I’m gonna miss them so much


Apr 24

African snippets

A funny conversation I had with a british girl here:

Girl: So which school did you go to in the UK?
Me: Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Girl: OOOOOO-LA-LA~~~~~~~!!!!!!
Me: ….

wakakaka… yea, posh school, but not a posh graduate


And it’s really funny how people from alllll over the world think that allll chinese people are born to be kung fu fighters. Staff at the clinic, kids from the orphanage, even the bushmen…. Once they know I’m a chinese they go excitedly ’Can you show me some kung fu????’ arghhhh you guys are watching way too many misleading hollywood movies….. One of the kids at the orphanage started calling me Bruce Lee…. -_-… I called him Jacky chan, then omg, you should really see that instant wide grin on his face, the way his face just lights up like the flick of a switch… It’s like an HONOUR to call him THAT name…. He was so happy… Then another kid said he wants to be Jet Li… everybody wants to be a Chinese…. Then I started writing them their Chinese names. They went CRAZY…. 20+ kids instantly crowd around me with some scrap paper (torn magazine/newspaper pieces; exercise book covers; lottery tickets; etc, any pieces of writing material they could find on the sandy ground outside the orphanage), yelling ‘write Benson!’ ‘write Jack!’ ‘how do u write Mike??’ ‘Cesar! Cesar!’ etc… after they got their chinese names they ask me to write countries… ‘Zambia’ ‘Zimbabwe’ (I hv no clue what their chinese names are so I just made it up) ‘China’, etc etc…….. I ended up spending 45 minutes crouching on that sandy ground writing…


Taught some Science to some of the older kids at the orphanage… I looked at their textbook and saw the most bizzare thing I ever found on a textbook…. They have one whole module dedicated to Sexually Transmitted Disease, Then one of the exercises they got was ticking the activities which will spread STD’s… there are pictures of ppl shaking hands, hugging, kissing, and, yea, u guessed that, making love (under a duvet though). We couldn’t help laughing at it… Then one of the class discussion was ‘How to prevent the spread of STDs’ The kids sure know a hell lot, more than us even, one kid told us ‘You know how the name of the condom came from? It’s invented by a guy called John Condom’

We went speechless, then one of the volunteers said ‘You know what? I am John Condom’ The kids sure looked surprised…. did they really believe that the legendary John Condom is right in front of their eyes????


Helped out at the Lab in the Clinic the other day. had to prepare sputum samples for tb investigation. What I did was to take all those Gooey Bloody Mucus taken from the patients’ throat, wipe them on microscopic slides, then stain them, then look under a microscope and count the number of TB bacillus to determine the patient’s tb state.

Right, I got plastic gloves and Lab coat alright, but they don’t have a mask, instead they have a fan facing the window so the bacteria from 90 slides of the 30 tb patients will be blown away (hopefully). Fingers crossed, I hope my TB Immunity from that BCG jab I had when I was in Primary school is still functioning properly, or else……………………………………………………….


Apr 19

a little update from Zambia

I guess it’s about time I write an update…

So I’m still alive in Zambia, don’t worry. The clinic I work in here is in an even worse condition than the one I had in Ecuador… At least the Ecuadorean one was CLEAN…… Well, not that the staff are bad or anything, but they don’t use plastic gloves or masks! Omg… the first day I went I helped out at the Pharmacy to sort out their paracetamol and AcetylSalicylic acid pills. I asked for a plastic gloves, they looked at me in a wtf way, so I asked where I can wash my hands…. The toilet stinks like hell! No flush, no toilet roll, and with a smell of fermenting human manure… Spent another morning with the consultant. about 90% of the patients there had Malaria. It’s just like flu in our countries, very very common, and ppl are bound to catch it sometime in their life, and get well in about a week or two; yet Malaria sometimes sounds like an end-of-the-world disease in developed countries.

about 1 in 3 or 4 people in this country are HIV positive, and most of them have tuberculosis too. There’s a department completely devoted to TB patients (i.e. HIV – since they so often have them both together). It was actually very heartbreaking to see some little boys 8 or 9 years of age going in to get his medicine, yeah, long term ones, ones which they have to take for the rest of their life, if they could live long, that is; if their HIV positive status doesn’t cause him to have AIDS, that is…. I suddenly had an urge to cry when I saw all these that day at the clinic…. It’s really weird, I am usually very tough (yeah, excuse me, I really am) when it comes to situations like this, I didnt even had an intention to cry even in that Ecuador little girl incident (refer to my entries 4 months ago), but this time, somehow, it was really heartbreaking….

aiiii… oh well. But there really is a hell lot to learn from these people.

The other day I saw a man, walking in the street, his T-shirt reads:


in red, block letters.

At the back it reads:


People here are very very very understanding and accepting of HIV-positive ppl and even AIDS patients. They are not looked down upon.

This is so touching. Will this ever happen in SO-CALLED developed countries?

In the afternoon we usually spend time in an orphanage, kids there of all ages were orphaned since their parents died of AIDS.

The other day, we thought of playing that game of balloon-blasting with them (that game which we tie a balloon at our ankle then go around stepping and blasting each other’s balloon and whoever’s left with a balloon wins). We spent like 40 minutes blowing up and distributing the balloon, but just as we’re about the start the game, we saw the kids so happy with their precious new toy, a little boy simply walked towards me and go,

‘Lucci, let’s play!’

and played 1-on-1 volleyball with me with that balloon.

Then we realized that the game will be quite a trauma for them…. We give them something they really want then we ask them to destroy it???? they’ll definitely be traumatized!!!

These kids never take things for granted… And they appreciate every second we spend with them, every piece of little thing we give them

This trip really really is a valuable lesson in my life.


Mar 16

more pictures from harnas

Okay more pictures….

2 cheetahs grooming each other.. aww.. thats so sweet…

So which is the most dangerous feline in the cat family??

Timon: Pumbaa you’re just plain stupid!
Pumbaa: Sorry timon…

Little Zion’s got a new toy!

Zion the Bully



Mar 03

Safe and Sound in Namibia

Safe and Sound in Namibia, The land with 300 days of sunshine a year.

The first thing in my mind when I got off South African Airways SA074 I couldn’t help but smile to myself. ‘omg. I am stepping on Africal soil. I can’t believe it. This is like a 22 yrs’ dream come true. I am in Africa!’

I can’t emphasize enough this place is a MUST for animal lovers… esp cat lovers. There are more than 30 cats in total in the whole lodging area.

First thing that came to greet me when I arrived the rescue center were 2 cute little kittens, rushing towards that 4WD I was on.

In the middle of the night a kitten jumped onto my stomach and purred ever so loudly. The next morning when I woke up I thought it was a dream, but then I saw that very same kitten beside my pillow.

When I was brushing my teeth another kitten suddenly pounced onto the sink. I pushed him away and he pounced back and started licking the tap water. Totally unashamed of himself.

Here comes the exciting part.

There were over 20 cheetahs altogether in this rescue center and most of them are too tamed to be released back into the wild. (Nikkita, Aloise, Duma, Bony, Leuki, etc… can’t remember all their names, cant even tell who’s who yet) Apparently cheetahs are the only african big cat that can be completely tamed (i.e. doesnt get mad if you touch them when they’re eating) They were so affectionate, So close to human, hungry for human contact (They keep rubbing their cheeks against us like huge pussy cats) and their purr when we pet them… awww…. I wish i could record it and use it as my ringtone!!! They love to play chase and roll on their back. What graceful animals. Simply gorgeous.

Then there’s that little lion cub called Zion. 6 weeks old. But quite heavy though.

There’s also a gay zebra called Zeba, They told us he’s gay since they’ve been trying to breed him but he hated all the female zebras and hurted them. how funny’s that.

Africa’s cool, there sth for everyone: big cats for me, zebras (white with black stripes) for val, elephant for ah gik, ostrish for fa, all wild wild animals for judif, cats for lilian, haha, wat else?

But ppl here speak german mostly. Judif I need ur help.

Saw a double rainbow on the first day I arrived. It was HUGE! Never seen a double rainbow THAT big b4, it was literally an arch from one end of Namibia to the other end! I couldn’t capture the whole thing so here it is, one small segment of it.

mmm… now this tastes good

The well-known tear mark

3 of them (Forgot their names though)

The little prince!!

Hakuna Matata!


Feb 26

a painful decision

It was a painful decision.

Did I make the right choice?

Was I a bit too rush and will I regret it?

Given up baseball and left the squad;

Miss the golden chance to meet my friends in Easter;

Not being able to celebrate ur birthday;

And I’m also going to miss out… well…

…so much more…  and I can’t be arsed to list them all out in here…

This moment I’m looking forward to it and the next minute I start to worry.

3 months, this time.

yoo hoo

Survived south america and venturing Africa,

with an attempt to come back in 1 complete piece (no matter what colour it will be)

I’ve always wanted to go to Africa

ever since I knew where and what this continent is and what it contains.

I’ve always wanted to cuddle a cheetah cub and stroke a lion’s mane

I’ve always wanted to have a taste of living in Africa’s wild side

I’ve always wanted to do something for that 20% of the population, who’s currently struggling with aids

I’ve always wanted to meet the local kids in the tribes

I’ve always wanted to have some moments of solitude in an atmosphere with all hues and shades of green

Yes. I suppose I did make the right choice

I apologize for the bizarre format and grammar.

Packing made me think a hell lot.

I’m leaving on wednesday.

2 days later. That’s way too soon.
