Feb 26

a painful decision

It was a painful decision.

Did I make the right choice?

Was I a bit too rush and will I regret it?

Given up baseball and left the squad;

Miss the golden chance to meet my friends in Easter;

Not being able to celebrate ur birthday;

And I’m also going to miss out… well…

…so much more…  and I can’t be arsed to list them all out in here…

This moment I’m looking forward to it and the next minute I start to worry.

3 months, this time.

yoo hoo

Survived south america and venturing Africa,

with an attempt to come back in 1 complete piece (no matter what colour it will be)

I’ve always wanted to go to Africa

ever since I knew where and what this continent is and what it contains.

I’ve always wanted to cuddle a cheetah cub and stroke a lion’s mane

I’ve always wanted to have a taste of living in Africa’s wild side

I’ve always wanted to do something for that 20% of the population, who’s currently struggling with aids

I’ve always wanted to meet the local kids in the tribes

I’ve always wanted to have some moments of solitude in an atmosphere with all hues and shades of green

Yes. I suppose I did make the right choice

I apologize for the bizarre format and grammar.

Packing made me think a hell lot.

I’m leaving on wednesday.

2 days later. That’s way too soon.


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