Tagged: winter

Dec 26

Hirafu days 3 and 4

day 3 + 4

Yayyyy Hirafu~

Weather is a hell lot better, too bad some snow started melting… pretty icy at some point…

Right, something you guys would LOVE to watch, keke:

Here we go~ a BIG jump ahead…

Oops, wrong timing…….





I Think I’ve got a broken hip…

Pelvic girdle hurts….. Don’t care, still boarding tomorrow (Still in one complete piece!!)


Dec 24


2nd day in Hokkaido, time for a quick update

The whole day has been spent on travelling yesterday, arrived the resort on about 8/9pm, had dinner then read some biochem (like 1 slide……….) then slept on my notes.

Then, as expected, we kids rushed straight to the mountains first thing after we woke up while mom and aunties sit around and drink coffee. It…. was….. FREEEEEEEEEEEEEZING COLD UP THERE!! It’s like the COLDEST snowboarding day i ever had! Wsa completely numb and frozen on the ski lift; tried to bury my face into my scarf fromthe snow storm. My brother and cousin said for one moment they thought I was dead, haha…

And I can’t emphasize enough, what I hate most about snowboarding — SKIERS who just love to ski sideways, as if they were crossing the track — slowly!!

Anyway, the slopes were really good if it werent that cold, powdery snow, doesnt even hurt when I tumble.
Don’t worry, I’m still in 1 piece…. 1 complete piece, hopefully, I’ve tortured my scaphoid so many times already, Can anyone tell me which nerve will be affected? Look for any clinical signs when I come back. wahahah
